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#twitter to me

Twitter is not only popular but also the best social site i have met so far. Still i am quite bored of twitter. 😛 The main reason for twitter getting down to me is because of the “marketing platform” it has become instead of becoming a social micro blogging site as was dreamt of when twitter was born. By “marketing platform” i mean it is left as a platform where real marketing has dominated the ‘good old shareable’ blogs. If not, twitter is advertising in an indirect way instead of placing regular adds like in other sites such as facebook,youtube,etc. People here now just want to earn money. The current picture of twitter clearly says that the world nowadays has got more concerned towards their income rather than wasting time in social sites in a casual and lazy way. The direct interaction of businessmen with consumers has taught the later the few basic concept of ‘marketing’. The “friend request” system in facebook,myspace, orkut, etc had limited the people from having unlimited number friends in their profiles but twitter is of different story. Here people have an unlimited reach to people they want to subscirbe (follow) unless someone blocks them. And this is where they got the chance to directly interact with the marketing and advertising agents of various companies. Their tweets paved a way for the newcomers in marketing and advertising sector who of course followed them. This concept got easily understandable to regular user or “tweeps” and they had been using this tool too for their self-employed purpose or making extra money through twitter. As a result the timeline in twitter is no more interesting because maximum tweets in timelines are regarding business now. The non marketing people are usually the ones who follows celebrities and people of their interest. But their ‘numbers’ make that ordinary people to increase theirs too. Perhaps it gives them a feeling of being famous too. And since everyone wants to increase their followers they have to follow many people in return for a follow back. Eventually, this leads to no use of following a micro blogger they were initially interested. Even if they have to check their tweets they have to find their username from the ‘mentions’ and ‘tweets’ which is time consuming since it is almost like swimming a river across to find their username in their huge ‘following’ or ‘followers’ list. .. To be continued in my next blog..